Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Stark County's Estate Files

Thanks for returning to check out this week's post on Tree Talk Tuesdays.  Did you know  that the first offical Estate Record was filed on April 2, 1810 and didn't close until May 24, 1827?   It's true. It was the estate of Jacob Loutzenhesier and we have it here at the library.

   The Genealogy Department at the Stark County District Library houses the Stark County Probate Court Estate Packets  from 1810-ca. 1920.  We also have them on microfilm from 1810-ca. 2007. Estate files can be a wealth of knowledge not only for researching family relationships, but also for tracing property both personal and real estate.

 If you had a ancestor who died in Stark County between 1810-2007 and would like to search or have a search done of these records you can simply visit the Genealogy Department or use our online request forms found at the following link. http://www.starklibrary.org/requestforms

(The index to these records can be found at the Stark County Probate Court Website https://probate.co.stark.oh.us)

Until next week...Happy Researching!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Remember the Ladies

   Welcome to this week's Tree Talk Tuesdays! It has been 5 weeks that we have been at this blog now. I hope you have been enjoying them. In honor of this month being Mother's Day we have a display in the Genealogy Department titled "Remember the Ladies-Abigail Adams 1776"

   Tracing the female line of your Genealogy often times is a one of those brick walls we all run into. So what do you do when all you can find is an entry that says "Mrs. John Smith'? We have several books in our collection that can help you break through those brick walls.

For more information about the books in the dispaly and their availability click on the links below.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Family Reunion Planning

    Greetings! I hope you all have been enjoying the post for SCDL's Tree Talk Tuesdays. This week I would like to turn our attention to our Circulation Collection. The Genealogy Department has a number of items within the circulating colleciont that can help you get started in Planning A Family Reunion, Beginning a Family Tree and breaking through brick walls. Today, we will be looking at Planning a Family Reunion.
      Each year my husband's family hold their reunion at Tuscora Park in Dover, Ohio. We pack up the picnic basket, and the kids and drive about 1/2 south to get there. The kids are excited because of all the fun things there are to do at Tuscora Park and  we are excited because we get to visit with family members that we haven't seen in awhile.
  Have you thought about planning a family reunion, but don't know where to start? The book "Your Family Reunion: How to Plan It, Organize It, and Enjoy It"  by George G. Morgan is  a great resource for planning a reunion from a few people to a lot of people. Check it out today!

  Want to know other sources, there is a bibliography of other resources available at the library that will help you plan your next family reunion.

Have a great  week!
