Tuesday, October 15, 2013

North Canton Heritage Society and More!

Welcome to this week's SCDL Tree Talk Tuesday's Blog Post. We are continuing on with Family History Month. So far we have taught classes on Beginning Your Research, Organizing Your Research, Find your family in the Census, Using the Ohio Court Records, Finding Records Online and Tracing Your Stark County Ancestors Using Land Records. Thank you to all who have attended so far!

On Wednesday 10/16 Stephanie Houck from our Genealogy Department with be teaching a Beginning Genealogy Workshop for the North Canton Heritage Society in conjuction with the Smithsonian Exhibition Journey Stories. The workshop with be held at the North Canton Public Library. Stephanie will help members of the community research their families’ genealogy. She will explain how to get started, use several online tools, and explain the array of tools available at the Stark County Library. Participants should either bring their own laptop computers or they may borrow one of several available for their use from the North Canton Library.
The workshop is free, but reservations are necessary and can be made by calling the North Canton Heritage Society at 330-494-4791 or e-mailing ncantonheritage@sbcglobal.net. Please indicate if you need one of the borrowed computers.

Then on Saturday, October 19th at the Plain Community Branch we will continue on with our Saturday Series. This week the topics are Genealogy Databases @ SCDL and Genealogy Computer Programs. During the Genealogy Databases Program we will be looking at Ancestry.com, Heritage Quest, and Family Search. We will also be previewing the new database World Vital Records. During the Genealogy Computer Programs we will look at various softwares that are available for you to help record all the family information that you discover! If you haven't register yet, there is still time! Simply go to http://www.starklibrary.org/program-search 

Tip of the week-  Using an * after the first three letters of name will search for multiple spellings and miss spellings of a name. For example...Joh* will bring up Johnston, Johnson, Johnstone, Johnmyer, Johan...This type of search keep the first letters exactly the same, but allows for any combitation of letters after it. 

Happy Hunting! 

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