Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Stark County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society

Greetings! As I had mentioned in my first post, we will be talking about not only sources and the happenings in the Genealogy Department at SCDL, we will also be looking at what is going on in the Genealogy Commuinty. This week our focous is on the Stark County Chapter of the Ohio Genelaogical Society.

The Stark County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society or S.C.C.O.G.S. was formed in 1973 and is  a great support of the Genealogy Department at SCDL. Over the years they have published great resources that have helped many trace their famllies in Stark County. Some of those sources include; The Stark County Cemetery Inscriptions, Member's Ancestor Charts, Stark County, Ohio Death Records 1867-1908 and a Portrait and Biographical Record of Stark County, Ohio. They also publish a quarterly newsletter that is available to their members and at the library.

The chapter hold regular monthly meetings beginning at 6:30p.m. on the 2nd Thursday of each month. Next month, their meeting time has changed because they will be going on a field trip to the Massillon Museum on Saturday, May 11th.  For more information on the society and their events  please visit their website. www.starkcountyogs.org

Have a great week!


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